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As you age, having dental, vision and hearing care is vital to your total health and well-being. Neglecting these areas may be linked to other health problems, such as heart issues, dementia, depression and increased risk of falls.
One major benefit of Medicare Advantage (MA) is that many plans offer dental, hearing, and vision coverage. Original Medicare, on the other hand, does not cover any routine hearing, vision or dental care. And that can get to be expensive. For many MA plans, these benefits are already included in the plan’s premium — the amount you pay each month for health coverage.
“Hearing, vision and dental care is not only important for your physical health, but can help improve your quality of life and social interactions with family and friends,” says Dr. Alena Baquet-Simpson, Executive Medical Director, Medical Affairs at Aetna.
Aetna Medicare Advantage plans are designed to help empower you to take care of your total health. Read on to learn more about why it’s so important to take care of your dental, vision and hearing health as you age.
Hearing loss and Medicare hearing benefits
Hearing loss in older adults
Hearing loss is associated with increased risk of social isolation, dementia and depression.
Social isolation
Hearing loss can have many physical and mental health impacts. With difficulty hearing, you may be unable to participate in conversations with family and friends. And you may avoid daily activities such as going out to the store or social events. This social isolation can eventually lead to depression.
Impaired hearing is also strongly linked toan increased risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Some studies have shown that certain areas of the brain that are linked to hearing and communication may shrink from hearing loss. “With dementia, one of the ways you can protect yourself, and maybe slow the onset, is by exercising and stimulating your brain,” says Baquet-Simpson. “But when you have hearing loss, there's potentially less stimulation to the brain.”
Understanding hearing benefits
What’s covered:
Many Aetna MA plans cover an annual hearing exam and hearing aid fitting at no additional cost.
If you have hearing issues, it’s important to get treatment. Hearing aids may prevent some of these health risks and help you better interact with loved ones. Many MA plans include coverage for hearing exams and an annual allowance to help cover the cost of hearing aids.
Importance of vision health
Why vision health is connected to your total health
Vision loss is linked to a higher risk of falls, dementia and depression.
As you age, you are at higher risk for vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and dry eye. You may also experience problems with seeing objects up close (farsightedness) and needing more light to see more clearly.
Vision loss in older adults is linked to increased risk of falls, dementia and depression. It affects your ability to take part in daily activities such as driving, reading the newspaper or watching television. By losing independence, you may be at higher risk for social isolation and depression. Vision loss can also impact your depth perception and balance, putting you at higher risk for falling.
Understanding vision benefits
What’s covered:
Many Aetna MA plans cover an annual vision exam at no additional cost.
Original Medicare may cover certain services related to cataract surgery, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, but it does not cover routine eye care. Many MA plans, however, offer coverage for an annual eye exam, as well as prescription glasses and contacts. Regular eye exams are important to help identify health problems earlier and to maintain your vision.
The importance of dental health and understanding dental benefits
The importance of dental health
Tooth loss can impact your ability to…
Untreated gum disease is linked to other health conditions, such as…
Cardiovascular disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Good oral health is also connected to your overall physical and mental health. Studies have shown that gum disease is closely associated with higher risk of heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Untreated gum disease may increase inflammation in the body, which can lead to damage to other tissues and organs.
Maintaining healthy teeth also helps you eat a well-balanced diet. If you have extensive tooth loss, you are less likely to eat nutritiously. That’s because you have difficulty chewing certain high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that older adults with poor oral health are more likely to be underweight or obese. Tooth loss can also impact a person’s ability to speak, and it can lead to social isolation.
By regularly seeing a dentist for checkups and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can prevent many of these issues or you can get treatment for them. Many Medicare Advantage plans offer preventive dental coverage, including annual exams, cleanings, X-rays and fillings. Some plans offer more comprehensive coverage for dental services such as dentures and root canals.
If you neglect one area of your health, such as hearing, vision or dental care, it can have a wider impact on your overall well-being. But with additional benefits to fit your needs, there may be an MA plan that can help you care for your total health and achieve your best quality of life.
Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat plan members, except in emergency situations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services. The provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary. Participating physicians, hospitals and other health care providers are independent contractors and are neither agents nor employees of Aetna. The availability of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed, and provider network composition is subject to change.