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Call a registered nurse anytime
Call a registered nurse anytime
Sometimes you need a quick answer to a health question. Maybe your concern can't wait until you see your doctor. You can talk to our registered nurses day or night on our Medicare Nurse Hotline to get help with:
- Deciding whether to visit a doctor or urgent care center
- Understanding your symptoms
- Managing chronic conditions
- Learning about treatment options and medical procedures
Ask your question
Call 1-855-493-7019 ${tty} anytime.
If you need urgent or emergency care, call 911 and/or your doctor immediately.
Staff on the nurse call line cannot diagnose, prescribe or give medical advice. Call your doctor with any questions or concerns about your health.
Need help with Aetna Medicare enrollment?
Call a licensed agent at ${dynamicPhone} ${tty}, ${hours}.
Member Services
Aetna Medicare Advantage members have access to contact information and resources specific to their plans.
This material is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Health information programs provide general health information and are not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment by a physician or other health care professional. Contact a health care professional with any questions or concerns about specific health care needs.