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Caring for our members in California

During times of need like this, your health and well-being matters more than anything. We’re here to help with benefits information, resources and support for our California members who’ve been impacted by the wildfires in Los Angeles.

How to get the help you need

Coverage when it counts


Flexible, convenient coverage

Flexible, convenient coverage

Convenience matters, especially now. We'll help make it easier to care for your health during this disaster.


When you can’t get care in network


You'll have access to your benefits during a public health emergency or disaster. When one of these events is declared, and until it ends, we'll:


  • Temporarily reduce out-of-network facility cost sharing amounts to in-network amounts
  • Waive referral requirements, where applicable
  • Make changes that benefit you effective immediately, without the required 30-day notice


Help paying your Medicare plan premium


If you’re facing financial difficulties due to the disaster, you can contact us to explore your payment options when you receive an invoice for your monthly premium.  

Helping you get your medicine and medical equipment

Helping you get your medicine and medical equipment

Your medicine — and the medical equipment and health items you rely on — matter to your health. This guidance can help you get the items you need.


Prescription assistance

You can refill your prescriptions early and get up to a 30-day supply of medicine — including those that may have been lost, damaged or destroyed during the disaster. If necessary, you can also get your medicine at an out-of-network pharmacy.


Using our mail-order pharmacy? We can send your prescription wherever you need it. Just call us if your address has changed so your medicine gets to the right place.


Help getting medical equipment and services


We can help you get or replace plan covered durable medical equipment covered by your plan, like canes or blood sugar meters, regardless of when you last received these items. We can also help you get covered dental services and vision care if items covered by your plan.


Important phone numbers


Aetna Dental®: 1-866-409-0937 ${tty} Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 9 PM ET (follow prompts for dental coverage)

EyeMed Vision: 1-844-486-3485 ${tty} Monday to Saturday, 7:30 AM to 11:00 PM ET

Trauma and well-being resources to help you cope

Trauma and well-being resources to help you cope

We know this is a tough time, and we’re here to help make things less stressful for you. Our Resources For Living® program can help.


We’ve opened our Resources For Living program services for those affected by this disaster, including those who aren’t Aetna members. You can call 1-866-370-4842 ${tty} for help finding available shelters, accessing government resources, getting referrals or coping with the emotional impact of this disaster.  


Are you a health care provider?

Our Provider Service Center is here to help.


Also of interest: