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Find an Aetna® Medicare dentist

Select your plan type to start searching for Aetna Medicare dentists. An Aetna provider directory is available upon request, if you need it.

Choose your Aetna Medicare dental plan

Select your dental benefit. Or select “not sure” if you don’t know it. Then choose your Aetna Dental® network from the list that appears. You may need to provide additional information, depending on your plan type.

What type of dental benefit do you have?


If you’re covered through a former employer, union, trust or other retirement system, then you have a dental network plan and are covered by the Aetna Dental® PPO network.


Learn more about our network and DMR plans


Search other Aetna Medicare dental providers

Need an Aetna provider directory?

Need an Aetna provider directory?

If you need a printed copy, you can request a provider directory.


A person sitting next to another looking at the Aetna provider directory on their laptop and tablet
A person with a phone to their right

Need help with Aetna Medicare enrollment?

Call a licensed Aetna agent at ${dynamicPhone} ${tty}, ${hours}.

 An Aetna member card

Aetna Member Services

Aetna Medicare Advantage members have access to contact information and resources specific to their plans.


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