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Contacts for Aetna benefits

Toll-free numbers for benefits


Toll-free number

24-hour Nurse Line

Talk to a registered nurse day or night.

1-855-493-7019 ${tty}
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

SilverSneakers® Fitness


Physical fitness and wellness programs that you can use online or in person.

1-855-627-3795 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET

EyeMed Vision

Get info about your vision provider network and coverage.

1-844-486-3485 ${tty}
Monday to Saturday, 7:30 AM to
11:00 PM ET

Resources For Living®

A unique program that helps you find services in your community to help manage everyday needs. Support is available 24/7 during disaster or catastrophic event.

1-866-370-4842 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET

Over-the-Counter (OTC program)

View the OTC catalog, locate stores to use your benefit or place an online order.

1-833-331-1573 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM local time (except Hawaii)


Find network providers and get help choosing the right hearing aids.

1-877-225-0137 ${tty}
8 AM to 11 PM ET, 7 days a week

${company} Dental

Call Member Services for more info about your dental benefits.

1-866-409-0937  ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 9 PM ET



Schedule a ride to your appointment

1-855-814-1699 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET. Holidays may affect scheduling.


24-hour Nurse Line

Talk to a registered nurse day or night.

Toll-free number

1-855-493-7019 ${tty}
24 hours a day, 7 days a week


SilverSneakers® Fitness


Physical fitness and wellness programs that you can use online or in person.

Toll-free number

1-855-627-3795 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET


EyeMed Vision

Get info about your vision provider network and coverage.

Toll-free number

1-844-486-3485 ${tty}
Monday to Saturday, 7:30 AM to
11:00 PM ET


Resources For Living®

A unique program that helps you find services in your community to help manage everyday needs. Support is available 24/7 during disaster or catastrophic event.

Toll-free number

1-866-370-4842 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET


Over-the-Counter (OTC program)

View the OTC catalog, locate stores to use your benefit or place an online order.

Toll-free number

1-833-331-1573 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM local time (except Hawaii)



Find network providers and get help choosing the right hearing aids.

Toll-free number

1-877-225-0137 ${tty}
8 AM to 11 PM ET, 7 days a week


${company} Dental

Call Member Services for more info about your dental benefits.

Toll-free number

1-866-409-0937  ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 9 PM ET




Schedule a ride to your appointment

Toll-free number

1-855-814-1699 ${tty}
Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET. Holidays may affect scheduling.