Medicare Advantage HMO plans

Medicare Advantage HMO plans
With Medicare Advantage HMO plans in Florida, you can choose a primary care provider. They help coordinate your care within a network of providers, doctors and hospitals. It’s Medicare coverage that helps you get the right care at the right time.
Medicare Advantage HMO-POS plans
Medicare Advantage HMO-POS plans
With Medicare Advantage HMO-POS plans in Florida, you have the flexibility to see out-of-network providers for some services. You may pay more when you go out of network. It’s a coordinated approach to your Medicare coverage that may give you more options.

Medicare Advantage PPO plans

Medicare Advantage PPO plans
With Medicare Advantage PPO plans in Florida, you can visit any Medicare-approved doctor, in or out of the ${company}® provider network, who accepts our plan terms. However, using providers in your plan’s network may cost less. It’s Medicare coverage that gives you the freedom to choose.
Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible Special Needs plans (D-SNP)
Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible Special Needs plans (D-SNP)
Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan is a type of Medicare Advantage plan. It’s available for those who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. We can help you find out if you qualify.

Plan benefits that go beyond Original Medicare (Parts A and B)
Aetna Medicare Advantage plans in Florida have benefits like dental, vision and hearing and services that focus on your total health. We want to help you get the coverage, resources and care you need.
Not all benefits and services are available in all plans. View plans in your area.
Resources For Living® program*
Learn about the Resources For Living program that offers personalized help finding services and resources in your community.
*Not available for D-SNP plans.
SilverSneakers® fitness benefit
Stay fit and active at any of over 15,000 facilities with the SilverSneakers benefit.
Ask a nurse 24/7
Talk to a registered nurse anytime, day or night. Find the contact number to our Medicare Nurse Hotline.
Prescription home delivery
Get certain covered prescription drugs delivered.
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