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Getting OTC products with your Aetna® Medicare plan

Some Aetna Medicare plans cover approved over-the-counter (OTC) health and wellness products. Plans can have different benefits. So check your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for your benefit details.


What kinds of OTC products can I get?


You can use your allowance to buy OTC products like:  


  • Cold, flu and allergy medicine 
  • Dental care supplies 
  • Eye and ear care products 
  • Pain relievers 
  • First aid and medical supplies 
  • Sunscreen and more  


If your plan covers OTC products, you’ll get a catalog in the mail. Your Aetna Medicare product catalog will have the list of approved products.  



How do I use my benefit to get OTC products?


  • Your benefit amount (allowance) will be available to you on the first day of each benefit period. 


Review your OTC benefit details

Select your state and county to find your plan. Select the PDF to view your OTC catalog. You can refer to your catalog when shopping for your OTC health and wellness products.




How to get your OTC products