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COVID-19 vaccine information
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Dr. Sree Chaguturu:
You may be wondering why a booster shot might be needed to protect you against the COVID-19 virus. As we have rolled out vaccines across the country, we have had the opportunity look at how well does the vaccine protect you against COVID-19. And there's really three ways that we look at protection. One is, is the COVID-19 vaccine effective against preventing you from getting an infection. The second is preventing you from getting hospitalized. And the third is, does it prevent you from dying from COVID-19?
And over time, what we have seen is that the COVID-19 vaccine continues to provide very high levels of protection against infection, hospitalizations, and death. However, in some populations we have seen some declines in vaccine effectiveness. We've seen some declines against infection in individuals who are over the age of 65. We've seen less decline , but a little bit of a decline in protection against hospitalizations in those individuals over the age of 65. And then there continues to be concerns about the levels of protection in those under the age of 65, but who are in high risk settings or have other medical conditions. And so by providing a booster shot, we have the opportunity to improve the efficacy of the vaccine in protecting individuals against infection, hospitalizations, and death.
Why is a COVID-19 booster shot needed?
Dr. Sree Chaguturu:
The COVID-19 vaccine does not protect us against the flu and the flu vaccine does not protect us against COVID-19. Therefore, as we enter the fall and winter season, it’s important to get both vaccines to protect you against both infections. You can get them at the same time, you don’t need to space them out, but getting both will protect you from both COVID-19 and the flu.
How important is getting the flu shot this year?
Dr. Sree Chaguturu:
As we enter into the flu season, many people are asking, "Should I wait to get the flu vaccine until I finished my COVID-19 vaccine series? Or can I get them at the same time?"
The short answer is it does not matter about the timing between any type of vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines can be administered without regard to timing. You can get them on the same day and there will be no impact into the efficacy of the flu vaccine or the COVID-19 vaccine.
As we enter into the flu season, or as you're seeking your broader set of preventative services such as getting your shingles or measles (vaccines), if that's appropriate for you, you can get those vaccines at the same time to protect your health.
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu shot at the same time?
Additional resources you can trust
Access COVID-19 resources and important information about vaccine safety and development.
From CVS Health®
*FOR CDC VACCINE FINDER: If you choose an out-of-network location or health care professional, you may pay more for your vaccine.
For Medicaid members
To find COVID-19 benefits details, visit our Aetna Better Health website.
Protecting you from scams
At times like this, there’s a higher risk of scams and price gouging. So if someone calls you to sell you an insurance policy or change your current policy — even if the person says they represent Aetna — call us first at the number on your ID card or 1-800-872-3862 ${tty}. Even if the person gives you a different number, do not call it.
If you suspect price gouging or a scam, contact your state attorney general. You can also visit the Federal Trade Commission to stay informed about potential scams.
Department of Labor’s COVID-19 extension requirements
To meet the Department of Labor’s recent COVID-19 extension requirements, we’ll disregard the period that started on March 1, 2020 until July 10, 2023 (or one year, whichever period is shorter) in determining the timeliness of your claim, appeal or external review request under the federal guidelines. Beginning July 11, 2023, standard timely filing guidelines apply.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) fees
Insured members: NY network providers can’t charge you for personal protective equipment (PDF)
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Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna). Aetna® and CVS Pharmacy® are part of the CVS Health® family of companies.
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