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Find out if your medicine is covered

Your medicine matters. Aetna® prescription drug plans offer tools and guidance to help you find covered medicine and understand your costs.


Medicare member? Find prescription plan details.


Try our medicine search tool

Try our medicine search tool

Aetna prescription plans cover thousands of drugs. To find a list of commonly covered drugs, you’ll need the pharmacy plan name.


Not sure of the plan name?


If you’re an Aetna member: You can find your pharmacy plan name in your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). However, the simplest way to find drugs covered under your specific plan is to log in to your member website.

If you’re considering an Aetna plan: If your employer is offering an Aetna pharmacy plan, ask your HR department for the plan name.


Ready to search drug info? Follow these steps:

Questions about pharmacy coverage? We’re here to help.


Find answers to your questions about drug coverage, costs, plan guidelines, home delivery and more.


Visit our FAQ page

Have a member account? Get a personalized search


When you log in, your search results are based on your pharmacy plan. Personalized just for you. You can:


  • Enter the first 3 letters of a medicine name to check coverage
  • Find pricing for store pickup or through mail order
  • Get suggestions for generic drugs that can help you save

There’s more, including medicine support, refill alerts and safety information. To find it all, look for “Prescriptions” once you’re logged in.

Legal notices

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

Health benefits and health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations.

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