National Library of Medicine. Acupuncture: Past, Present, and Future. Published July 2014. Last accessed September 2024.
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Americans normally are not big fans of needles. So why is there such an interest in acupuncture today? Read on to learn more about this ancient health practice. And get you’ll get answers to some of your top questions.
Acupuncture is the practice of putting small needles into the top layers of your skin. The practice comes from China and is roughly 3,000 years old.* It’s believed to balance the body’s energy flow or “Qi,” (pronounced “chee”).
Acupuncturists study patterns of the body's channels they call meridians. They place needles in specific spots on the body located on these meridians. This stimulates the body’s nerves and muscles. And it can help boost the immune response.*
Acupuncture uses thin, flexible needles. They’re usually disposable. Some people feel a skin prick. Others feel nothing and may even fall asleep. Practitioners want clients to let them know if a needle hurts so they can make adjustments.
Acupuncture can offer a wide range of physical and mental health benefits. Depending on the body’s response, it can help some users manage nausea, migraines, chronic pain and digestive issues.
Other users report the practice can:
Some may have irritation or light bleeding where the needles are placed. Always talk with your primary doctor before starting any new therapy. And before starting treatment, check to see if your acupuncturist is certified and uses disposable needles.
Much like an office visit with your primary doctor, an acupuncturist will talk with you about your medical history. They’ll ask you what you want to gain from this treatment. And they’ll examine you to see which meridians may respond best to the needles.
Your acupuncturist may give you advice about which foods to eat (or avoid) and herbs to use. That’s because food and herbs are an important part of Chinese medicine. Again, check with your primary doctor before starting any new diet or using herbs.
Acupressure is a different form of Chinese medicine. Acupressure doesn’t use needles. Instead, it uses pressure from hands to stimulate the nerves.
Some plans cover acupuncture for chronic pain, nausea, and other conditions. Many may limit the number of visits covered. Or they may have copays and deductibles. Many Aetna® plans include some degree of coverage for acupuncture. Make sure you check your plan documents for coverage details. Log in to check the details of your plan
You can use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for acupuncture regardless of whether your plan covers the treatment or not. Learn about our HSA options.
Bottom line: Acupuncture can be a great tool to add to your wellbeing toolbox.
Content developed using AI and reviewed and edited by Aetna®.
National Library of Medicine. Acupuncture: Past, Present, and Future. Published July 2014. Last accessed September 2024.
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National Library of Medicine. The immunomodulatory mechanisms for acupuncture practice. Published April 2023. Last accessed September 2024.
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