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Our Aetna Medicare network of pharmacies

Our Aetna Medicare network of pharmacies

In most cases, you need to use a pharmacy in your plan’s network for your plan to pay for your drugs. Each Aetna Medicare plan may have a different pharmacy network. But each plan has a standard network of pharmacies.


Our pharmacy network includes national chains as well as local options.  

Our Aetna Medicare preferred pharmacy network

Our Aetna Medicare preferred pharmacy network

Some plans have a standard and a preferred network of pharmacies. You may pay a higher out-of-pocket cost at a standard network pharmacy than at a preferred network pharmacy.


Not all plans have a preferred pharmacy network. So make sure your plan has the best pharmacy based on the drugs you take.


Here are some of the pharmacies that are part of our preferred network. This means you could pick up your drugs at any of these pharmacies.


  • Albertsons®
  • Costco® Pharmacy
  • CVS Pharmacy® stores
  • Kroger®
  • Publix Super Markets
  • Safeway
  • Walmart  

Mail order pharmacy


Do you have a long-term condition? Mail order prescriptions may help you save time. And help you avoid running out of the drugs you need. You may be able to order a long-term supply of your covered drugs through mail order.


CVS Caremark® Mail Service Pharmacy is part of our preferred pharmacy network.


Learn more about mail order pharmacy and how to sign up.

Pharmacy FAQs

If you know when to order your refill, it’ll help ensure you always have the drugs you need. And you can order your refills anytime without logging in. Here’s a helpful guide.


At a retail pharmacy:


  • For a 30-day prescription, order a refill when you have a 7-day supply left.
  • For eye-drop medicines, order a refill when you have a 9-day supply left.

Through a mail order pharmacy:

  • For a long-term supply, order a refill when you have a 22-day supply left.
    • If you have a prescription drug plan (PDP), a long-term supply is up to a 90-day prescription.
    • If you have a Medicare Advantage prescription drug plan (MAPD), a long-term supply is up to a 100-day prescription.
  • For eye-drop medicines, order a refill when you have a 27-day supply left.

If you order too early, the pharmacy won’t give you the refill before the approved date.

There are some drugs that can be shipped right to you. Just sign up for CVS Caremark® Mail Service Pharmacy. Most times, mail order drugs arrive in no more than 10 days from the time we get your order.

We have a broad network of over 65,000 pharmacies, with more than 23,000 preferred pharmacies. Check our drug pricing tool once in a while to confirm if this is the best option for you. When you’re ready to switch, follow these 3 steps:


  1. Get a list of the prescriptions you have now and the last pharmacy that filled them.
  2. Contact your new pharmacy to give them this list. Then, they can start the transfer process.
  3. Follow up with your new pharmacy to make sure the transfer went through.

In some instances, Medicare lets you use an out-of-network pharmacy to fill your prescriptions. Read more about this in our section on using an out-of-network pharmacy.  

There may be times when you need to use an out-of-network pharmacy. Like when:

  • There’s no network pharmacy close or open 24 hours
  • You need a drug that a nearby network pharmacy doesn’t often stock, like drugs for rare medical conditions
  • You get a Part D drug at an out-of-network provider pharmacy from:
    • An emergency room
    • A provider-based clinic
    • An ambulatory surgical center
    • An outpatient setting
  • You get a prescription outside of your home or service area due to:
    • A state or federal disaster
    • Other public health emergency

These are the only times we can pay you back for your prescription filled out of network.

If one of the above reasons applies, you'll have to pay the full cost when you fill the prescription. You may get a smaller amount of your medicine until you can get to a network pharmacy.


To get paid back, send us a claim form and your receipt. We'll pay you back for the amount you paid up to a 10-day supply, minus your copay or coinsurance.

Your plan coverage document (Evidence of Coverage) has more details about out-of-network pharmacies.

Check your Evidence of Coverage

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Aetna and CVS Caremark® are part of the CVS Health® family of companies​.

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