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Aetna® shines in Star Ratings with 88% of Medicare Advantage members in 4 out of 5-star plans or higher for 2025
Aetna Medicare is an HMO, PPO plan with a Medicare contract. Our SNPs also have contracts with State Medicaid programs. Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.
Find your Aetna Medicare plan information

Find your Aetna Medicare plan information
Get all the details on your Aetna Medicare plan. Choose your plan to find these documents and more:
- Annual Notice of Change (ANOC)
- Evidence of Coverage (EOC)
- Summary of Benefits
- Formulary (drug list)
- Over-the-counter (OTC) benefits catalog
- Star Ratings
How to find your Aetna Medicare plan name
If your Aetna Medicare plan covers your medical benefits, search MA/MAPD plans. If your plan only covers prescriptions, search prescription drug plans (PDP).
If you’re in an Aetna Medicare Advantage plan (MA or MAPD), your plan name is listed on your Aetna member ID card.
If you’re in a PDP plan, look at the “S” number on the bottom right of your Aetna member ID card to find your plan.
Choose your location and plan details
Once you choose all fields, you'll see your list of documents.
Details for other types of Aetna Medicare plans
Get coverage from an employer or group health plan? Review the plan benefit information you received from them.
Have Aetna Medicare Supplement insurance (Medigap)?
Getting Aetna Medicare plan documents in print
For Aetna Medicare Advantage members
For prescription drug plan members
Not yet an Aetna Medicare member?
We're here to help
Call Aetna Medicare Member Services at the number on your ID card.