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Get vaccinated for better health

For $0 copay,* Aetna® Medicare members can get preventive vaccines at in-network locations like local retail pharmacies. Vaccines can help protect your health and the health of those around you.

Vaccines and you

Our network of pharmacies provide a wide range of vaccines at $0 cost-share for Aetna Medicare Advantage members. You can prevent serious illness* when you get your vaccines for diseases like:

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Pneumonia
  • RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)
  • Shingles

These vaccines are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

Where to get your vaccines


Using a network pharmacy can be a big help. This is where you’ll pay the lowest cost for your preventive vaccines. Even lower than at a clinic. And you won’t have to pay upfront and ask us to pay you back. Most of our network pharmacies also:

Visit one of these in-network chain pharmacies.

Aetna Medicare Advantage members can get their vaccines by visiting one of the national chain pharmacies on this list. Or visit any other in-network pharmacy.

  • CVS Pharmacy® stores
  • Kroger®
  • Walmart
  • Costco® Pharmacies

Find a network pharmacy

Wherever you choose, show your Aetna Medicare member ID card.


Filing a claim to get reimbursed

If you get your vaccines at a doctor’s office, clinic or out-of-network pharmacy, you may need to pay the full cost out of pocket. Then you’ll need to submit a claim to get paid back.

Learn more about how to file a claim and get the forms you need.

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Need help with Aetna Medicare enrollment?

Call a licensed Aetna agent at ${dynamicPhone} ${tty}, ${hours}.

 An Aetna member card

Aetna Member Services

Aetna Medicare Advantage members have access to contact information and resources specific to their plans.


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