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Special Needs Plans (SNPs)

Aetna® offers SNPs for those who have specific health conditions or needs. Our plans are designed with benefits that provide members with the care that fits them best.


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Types of SNPs and who qualifies

Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) vs. D-SNP: What’s the difference?


An MMP is a private health plan that provides coordinated Medicare and Medicaid benefits for dual-eligible individuals. Both MMP and D-SNP plans make getting care through Medicare and Medicaid easier for you.


  • With a D-SNP, you can keep the same Medicaid plan and benefits you get today, but you have a separate Medicare Advantage plan that gives you more benefits and features than Original Medicare. 
  • But with an MMP, all Medicare and Medicaid benefits and services are provided through one single health plan. 

Only Ohio, Illinois and Michigan offer Aetna MMPs. If you live in one of these states, choose a link below to learn more about MMPs in your area.


Find plans in Ohio

Find plans in Illinois

Find plans in Michigan

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